Your transmission automates how much raw power generated by the engine is disseminated to your tires. It does this by controlling the shifting of gears, much like those on a bicycle. With a manual transmission, the driver determines when to shift the transmission into the next gear. An automatic transmission incorporates this process into the transmission itself. Regularly servicing your transmission in Minneapolis will extend its lifespan as well as significantly reduce the overall expenses necessary to your vehicle’s upkeep.
Maintaining Your Transmission
- Replace a worn out clutch. Many transmission problems are a direct result of driving too many miles on a worn out clutch. If your clutch becomes more difficult to engage, is frequently slipping, or if you smell burning rubber, schedule a vehicle inspection from any mechanic who specializes in transmissions in Minneapolis.
- Regularly change your transmission fluid. Your transmission fluid lubricates the many moving parts of your transmission, prevents it from overheating, and transfers hydraulic pressure to help shift the gears. Although changing your transmission fluid is not necessary as frequently as oil changes, it is just as vital to the health of your vehicle. Most manufacturers recommend changing your transmission fluid every 30,000 to 60,000 miles.
- If you see any signs of leaks under your parked car, if your car is making strange noises or movements when shifting, or is having any difficulty shifting, it is best to bring your car in to an auto repair center that specializes in transmissions in Minneapolis. Promptly addressing potential problems can prevent expensive repairs down the road.
Repairing Your Transmissions
Your transmission, especially in an automatic vehicle, is one of the most mechanically complicated components of your vehicle. When you need to repair or replace your transmission, make sure you are using an automotive center which works primarily with transmissions. While any general mechanic may be able to diagnose and address transmission problems, you run the risk of costly improper or unnecessary repairs. Specialists will be able to most accurately and effectively pinpoint problems and provide service, allowing you to maximize the health and lifespan of your transmission in Minneapolis at a minimum cost.