Advantages of Buying from a Used Volvo Dealer, Find a Car Near Buffalo Grove

by | Jun 19, 2018 | Car Dealer

Are you one of the many people looking for a car near Buffalo Grove? If so, you might want to consider buying one from a used Volvo dealer. There are plenty of advantages to buying a used Volvo, including the following:

The Price

The main reason people buy a used Volvo is that of the price. Even a Volvo that is a year old is going to significantly be more affordable than a brand new one. This means you can afford a nicer model than the one you might be able to afford if buying new.

It Will Hold Its Value

Another advantage of buying a used car is that it will hold its value better than a new one. As soon as you leave the lot, a new car loses about 11 percent of its value. This just isn’t the case when you buy a used one.

Less Worry

Though you certainly want to care for your car, whether it is new or used, many people who buy a new car are hyper sensitive about it. Even a small ding or scratch can make someone upset, even though these things are bound to happen, eventually. By the time you get a used car, even the most well-cared-for vehicles will have something slightly amiss. But, this just means you won’t have to worry about it.

Lower Insurance Costs

Finally, a used car is going to be cheaper to insure. This is another financial savings and benefit that you will experience when buying a used car instead of a new one.

If you are looking for a used Volvo dealer, consider contacting McGrath Volvo Cars Barrington near Buffalo Grove. You can see the available inventory online at Like us on our facebook page.

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